Justin's AI Newsletter (Thinking Long Term, Enterprise AI, GPT-4 Coming Soon)

Justin's AI Newsletter

The most interesting content, news, and insights in AI each week.


Hey Friends. Happy Sunday. Welcome back to another newsletter. Let’s jump right in.

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Don't Get Caught Up in the Hype: Taking a Long-Term Approach to AI 🚀

When it comes to AI, it's easy to fall into the FOMO trap (fear-of-missing-out). With AI startups raising millions of dollars and videos of people making millions with ChatGPT, the hype can feel like a gold rush and you don't want to miss out. However, it's important to take a step back and think about the bigger picture.

AI is not a get-rich-quick opportunity. It's not about getting in early and making a quick buck. It's about finding the right opportunities and positioning yourself for success over the long term. Instead of rushing to build a business solely focused on short-term arbitrage gains from this new technology, take the time to consider how AI will transform your industry and how you can leverage it to create sustainable growth over the next five years. This means identifying specific use cases for AI that are relevant to your business and developing a comprehensive AI strategy that focuses on long-term growth and sustainability.

Feeling FOMO often leads to impatience, which in turn leads to short-term thinking. This can be disastrous for business leaders. Instead, by playing the long game and developing a thoughtful AI strategy, businesses can capitalize on the many opportunities that AI will continue to present over the next decade. After all, AI is here to stay and its impact will only continue to grow.

AI is making its way to Enterprise 👨‍💼

This week, we've seen Microsoft, Hubspot, Salesforce, Brex, Slack, Discord and hundreds of other companies announce their AI integrations. This comes after the recent announcement of the ChatGPT API, and I expect almost all major tech companies to implement AI into their products within the next year.

If any business wants to succeed, whether they are SMBs or larger companies, they need to consider how they can use AI to grow faster and build a stronger business.

If you would like to discuss your AI strategy with me, please feel free to reply to this email. I'm working on products that help businesses utilize this technology!

This Week's Recommendations 💡

Silicon Valley Bank failure could wipe out 'a whole generation of startups'

Very scary situation unfolding with the Silicon Valley Bank failure. Here's Garry Tan (CEO of Y-Combinator) breaking down the potential for a startup extinction event. Obviously this will hurt AI innovation tremendously if hundreds of startups go under over the next 30-60 days.

Why AI Won't Cause Unemployment

This article from Marc Andreessen (founder of A16Z) argues that fears about AI causing unemployment are unfounded, as technological innovation is already made impossible in most sectors of the economy due to regulations. These regulations will ensure that technology can never really "take over".

Core Views on AI Safety: When, Why, What, and How

Anthropic, a competitor to OpenAI, is working on their own large language model like GPT. They believe that AI could have a transformative impact on society, but also pose serious risks if not developed safely. Anthropic is pursuing a variety of research directions to build reliably safe systems, as they believe no one currently knows how to train very powerful AI systems to be robustly helpful, honest, and harmless.

GPT-4 is coming next week – and it will be multimodal, says Microsoft Germany

The CTO of Microsoft Germany came out and said that GPT-4 is coming next week. He said, "We will introduce GPT-4 next week, there we will have multimodal models that will offer completely different possibilities – for example, videos.” So stay tuned next week, it could be a historical one!

Thanks for tuning in,


P.S. The TV show South Park dedicated an entire episode to ChatGPT last week, and it's pretty hilarious. Here's a clip.


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Justin Fineberg

I'm a startup founder and product manager with a focus in AI. I help companies build AI into their products and business. Subscribe to my newsletter to get the latest content and news in AI! It's read weekly by thousands of other curious people.

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