Justin's AI Newsletter (OpenAI Big Event, AI Implementation, and Mark Cuban)

Justin's AI Newsletter

The most interesting content, news, and insights in AI each week.


Hey friends,

Long time, no see.

I haven't written in this newsletter for over three months, and for that, I'm sorry.

Three months is a long time, so if you’re new here (or have totally forgotten who I am), you probably found me on either TikTok or Instagram, where I share the hottest insights in AI.

So, who am I? I've been creating content in the AI space for some time, but I'm also the founder and CEO of Cassidy, an AI workspace for teams. Cassidy securely integrates with your tools and leverages company knowledge to automate tasks such as customer support, lead qualification, RFP processing, and much more.

I also speak about AI at some of the largest companies in the world (for example, I’ll be speaking at Microsoft Build on May 23rd—shoot me an email if you’re going to be there).

The reason I haven’t written this newsletter in three months? Well, our team has doubled in size and we’ve been growing incredibly fast. All good things.

While it’s hard for me to write this newsletter on a weekly basis, you can expect an occasional check-in. I’ll only share what’s important in AI, and really what I believe is the “alpha information” (the insights that no one else is sharing).

I also just launched an exclusive Slack community for Cassidy. So, if you want to collaborate with others to see how they’re automating their business, you should join here: [Join Community]

But for now, let’s dive in...


🤔 Tomorrow, the biggest day in AI since... GPT-4?

This newsletter was sent on Sunday. Tomorrow, OpenAI has an event at 10 AM PST. As I write this, I don’t know much about what we’ll see. All I know is that Sam Altman thinks it's "magic".

People are predicting a variety of possibilities: AI agents, an AI voice assistant, maybe even a new model (GPT-4.5?).

Whatever it is, OpenAI is ready to make a strong comeback. They’ve been somewhat overshadowed the past few months as Claude has outperformed GPT-4 on multiple benchmarks. But this is their first release since then, and I don’t expect it to disappoint.


⚡️ Mark Cuban on AI.

Everyone who is anyone is chiming in on their views about the future of AI. I thought this interview with Mark Cuban was particularly interesting.

video preview

Here’s my 1-minute breakdown: [Instagram Video]

Look, he laid down the hot, no bullshit takes.

People are going to lose their jobs. It’s scary, but it’s the reality. The more I’ve used this technology (and seen what’s coming), this fact is staring us right in the face.

We need to start thinking about policy. No one likes to hear it, but this technology isn’t like anything we’ve ever seen before. It's time to act.


💰 AI Implementation Agencies (& The Cassidy Partner Program)

Occasionally, I will share what I believe are the best opportunities to start a business in the AI space. This is one of those times.

The more I talk to companies, the more opportunity I see for implementation agencies.

Businesses know they want to implement AI, but they often don't know where to start. That's where implementation agencies come in. Agencies can build custom AI assistants and workflows for companies, tailored to their specific needs to help automate their work.

A pattern we've been seeing is agencies and consultancies using Cassidy to help clients build their AI tools.

If that sounds like you, I have good news.

We're launching the Cassidy partner program so that you can use Cassidy to offer services to your clients. You can charge service fees to your customers and also receive revenue share from Cassidy (among other benefits including free promotion on my social media, referrals of potential customers, early access to features, and more).

You can get more information here: [Cassidy Partner Program]

I’m also hosting a webinar on Wednesday (and every Wednesday going forward) about this partner program and the opportunities in AI agencies here. Sign up here.

AI Quick Hits

  1. Apple and OpenAI are apparently close to an iOS chatbot deal.With less than a month to go before Apple details its AI plans at WWDC 2024, the company is “finalizing terms” to let ChatGPT use iOS 18 features, according to Bloomberg. [Read here]
  2. 78% of AI users are bringing their own AI tools to work (BYOAI)—it’s even more common at small and medium-sized companies (80%). [Read here]
  3. The latest biological AI, AlphaFold 3, announced by Google, boasts unprecedented accuracy in predicting the structure of proteins and molecules across all life forms. [Read here]
  4. BCG said AI consulting will account for 20% of its revenue this year. [Read here]

And finally, happy mother’s day. I wouldn’t be anywhere without my mom. Grateful for her everyday.

Call your mom.

Your friend,


P.S. Want more quick, hot AI takes?

Be sure to follow me on Twitter & LinkedIn! 🔥🤖

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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Justin Fineberg

I'm a startup founder and product manager with a focus in AI. I help companies build AI into their products and business. Subscribe to my newsletter to get the latest content and news in AI! It's read weekly by thousands of other curious people.

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