Justin's AI Newsletter (AI Won't Slow Down, Apple AI, Cybersecurity)

Justin's AI Newsletter

The most interesting content, news, and insights in AI each week.


Hey friends 👋,

My summer travels are coming to an end, and I’m headed back to NYC this week.

To be honest, these past two months were some of the hardest I've ever worked. We’re making incredible progress with our startup, Cassidy, and we're putting together a world class team.

Over the next couple months, we’ll be releasing some of the most powerful AI features you’ve seen, and I’ll be pairing it with some of the best AI content I’ve made yet.

Stay tuned… 🙂


🦾 AI Progress Won't Slow Down

Time put out an interesting article this week analyzing recent AI statistics. It demonstrates how quickly AI is advancing, with no signs of slowing down...

1) AI is rapidly improving at numerous tasks and has surpassed humans in many areas.

2) Computational power is becoming more affordable and advanced. Creating powerful AI systems has never been easier.

3) Data is what powers these AI systems. The amount of data we're using to train these models is exponentially increasing. Models are getting more nuanced and powerful.

4) Improved algorithms enable us to train models more affordably, quickly, and with less data.

It is clear that the growth of AI models shows no signs of slowing down and may even accelerate. The power of AI models stems from a few key factors: computational power, quantity and quality of data, improved algorithms, and the discovery of valuable applications.

Progress in each of these areas is happening at an incredible pace, leading to a compounding effect on AI development. As a result, AI will continue to become more affordable, efficient, and effective. It will be increasingly accessible to everyone and deeply integrated into various aspects of our lives.


🍎 Apple AI Coming Soon?

This week, we got a glimpse of Apple's thoughts on the whole AI phenomenon, as Tim Cook hinted at generative AI playing a major role in the company's $22.61 billion research and development spending.

It’s also been reported that internal employees have been using “AppleGPT”, an internal ChatGPT competitor.

Apple's in a unique position to take full advantage of AI...

First, It's only a matter of time before we see an AI-powered Siri (imagine ChatGPT's intelligence incorporated into Siri). But that's just scratching the surface of what's possible.

As these advanced large language models become deeply integrated into all of Apple's hardware products, I believe we'll see a total transformation of how we interact with our phones and computers. Currently, ChatGPT's capabilities are limited to the software layer of user experience. However, once we break through that barrier, there will be endless possibilities for how AI can shape our everyday interactions with technology.

💡 This Week's Recommendations

🔗 Zoom can now train its A.I. using some customer data, according to updated terms: Zoom updated its terms of service, allowing the use of customer data for AI model training, including product usage, telemetry, and diagnostic data. Amid public debate on AI training with individuals' data, Zoom assured they won't use audio, video, or chat content without consent. The update also grants Zoom the right to use customer data for training AI and machine-learning models.

🔗 AWS is ready to power AI agents that can handle busywork instead of just chatting: Amazon launched Agents for Bedrock, enabling companies to create AI apps that utilizes agents. These AI agents go beyond just providing suggestions and actually perform actions on behalf of users. The goal is to make it easier for developers to build agents and customize the data models they use.

🔗AI Can Tell What You Type By Listening to Your Keystrokes: Researchers have developed an AI system that can eavesdrop on a keyboard to collect potentially sensitive data, achieving 93-95% accuracy in detecting which keys were pressed based solely on audio recordings

🔗 Pentagon launches AI competition to solicit help securing computer systems: As more of our information is integrated with AI models, the Pentagon's DARPA agency is hosting a two-year competition for AI experts to develop innovative ways to strengthen global cybersecurity. The competition aims to assist cybersecurity experts in defending against an expanding array of ingenious hackers. It is crucial for us to continue building secure and unhackable AI systems...this is a good move.

Thanks for tuning in,


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Justin Fineberg

I'm a startup founder and product manager with a focus in AI. I help companies build AI into their products and business. Subscribe to my newsletter to get the latest content and news in AI! It's read weekly by thousands of other curious people.

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