Justin's AI Newsletter (AI Agencies, Apple Vision Pro, AI Beatles Song)

Justin's AI Newsletter

The most interesting content, news, and insights in AI each week.


Hey friends 👋,

Last week was the first time in over 7 months that I didn't send out the newsletter. But don't worry, I won't be taking my next break for another 7 months... 😅

If you're new here, I send out this newsletter once a week. I bring together the latest news in AI, but more importantly, I try to break down the biggest insights on how you can practically implement AI into your business and life.


💸 Capitalizing on AI Implementation Opportunities (and Why ChatGPT Shouldn't Be Your Sole Focus)

Rethinking AI integration in your business and exploring the potential of AI Agencies

This week, I made a video breaking down a new business idea, which I like to call “AI agencies.”

Just as companies often turn to marketing agencies when they can’t handle all their marketing needs in-house, I believe that businesses will soon start hiring AI agencies as a supportive resource to help them keep up with the rapidly evolving AI space.

There’s no denying that AI can bring lots of benefits to businesses, like speeding up workflows, reducing costs, and providing unique advantages. AI agencies will work with businesses to effectively integrate AI tools into their operations.

That’s where the opportunity comes in. If you’re someone who’s diving deep into AI, there’s an amazing chance for you to create AI agencies or consultancy businesses that can help many companies succeed.

Here’s a big piece of advice if you’re a business looking to use AI or if you’re thinking of helping businesses:

Don’t just focus on ChatGPT

Recently AI has become synonymous with ChatGPT in peoples minds. But over the next few months, we’re going to see tons of new models, products, and tools that have incredible potential.

If you only concentrate on using ChatGPT for your business or helping other businesses with just ChatGPT, you’ll limit yourself. ChatGPT is a part of AI, but AI is so much more than just ChatGPT.

The real power of AI comes from the tools that blend seamlessly into your workflows, get along with your data, and customize themselves to fit your business needs perfectly. ChatGPT is just one component of the vast AI toolbox, much like how Microsoft Word is only one of many text processors available. ChatGPT represents just a single, relatively basic method of interacting with AI, while there's so much more AI has to offer.

At this point, I’ve spoken with hundreds of businesses - from small startups to major Fortune 500 companies - about their AI strategy, and I’ll continue to share more implementation strategies and powerful products that you should be using…


👓 AI and AR: The Future of How We Interact with Technology

Apple recently announced their new Vision Pro, and while it received mixed reactions, I think this is just the beginning of an amazing partnership between artificial intelligence and augmented reality.

Picture the movie "Iron Man," where Jarvis, Tony Stark's helpful AI assistant, practically comes to life in an AR format. I'm convinced that this is where our future is headed.

Like AI, Augmented Reality helps us connect with technology in a much more human way. AI allows us to simply say what we want, instead of doing it all by ourselves. AR lets us see and control the digital interface in our world, so we no longer need to keep glancing at our phones or computers. It just makes the whole experience of using technology feel more natural and connected.

Even though Apple didn't focus too much on AI during their announcement, there's no question they're working on it behind the scenes. Apple is playing the long game, looking to own the visual interface because they know that if they can bring AI to that interface, they'll come out on top.

Ultimately, the blend of AI and AR is what will change how we interact with computers, and I'm excited to see where it takes us.

💡 This Week's Recommendations

🔗 The Beatles will release a final record, using John Lennon's voice via an AI assist: Paul McCartney has revealed that he used AI to "extricate" John Lennon's voice from an old demo, in order to complete what he calls "the final Beatles record." The song is likely to be a 1978 Lennon composition called "Now And Then," which had already been considered as a possible "reunion song" for the Beatles in 1995. This might be my favorite AI use case yet…

🔗 The New Language Model Stack: An overview of the state of LLM’s. It offers a breakdown of what companies are doing and where the opportunities lie. The field is rapidly evolving, and there are many opportunities to be found.

🔗 Google, one of AI’s biggest backers, warns own staff about chatbots: Google has cautioned its employees about using chatbots, including their own Bard, due to concerns about the risk of leaking confidential information. It's ironic that as Google tries to keep up with OpenAI, they are also aware of the risks of data leakage and advise against using their own product. They are also advising staff to avoid using Bard to generate code without careful inspection.

🔗 The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier: McKinsey has put together an in-depth analysis of the future of AI, including the areas most likely to be disrupted. According to their findings, AI has the potential to add $4.4 trillion to the global economy.

Thanks for tuning in,


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Justin Fineberg

I'm a startup founder and product manager with a focus in AI. I help companies build AI into their products and business. Subscribe to my newsletter to get the latest content and news in AI! It's read weekly by thousands of other curious people.

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